TARGET: To Revise, Optimize and Kick Start the Adwords Campaign (PPC) for Domain.com Website, based on most searched keywords, market segment, opportunities and competitors’ strategies, in order to increase the targeted traffic to the Company’s virtual properties.
The main goal of the PPC/SEO/Service Campaign is to bring targeted traffic via Google Adwords platform / SEO to the company’s website (www.domain.com). The campaign will focus on revising the current state of the Adwords account/SEO rankings, adding keywords and campaigns as required, based on a monthly budget, investigate the market to find opportunities, check the competition and competitor’s strategies to brainstorm for good ads and copywriting ideas and following up to ensure maximum ROI for the campaign when it starts.
Even when the campaign is focused on providing increased exposure and better ad placement for the main website and internal landing pages, we will be researching the market to increase the quality and quantity of the visitors the website receives, in order to have an upward ROI trend until the campaign reaches its peak performance.
The campaign setup and management will include:
Keyword, Market and Competition Research.
Topical Campaigns Creation.
Keyword Selection.
Ad Copywriting.
Negative Keywords and Phrase Operators Optimization.
Consultancy over Potential and Beneficial Website Changes.
Follow up (Optional).
INVESTMENT: The total investment to analyze, setup and kick start the campaign will be of $1500 (one thousand five hundred US dollars) one time. The total investment to follow up the campaign, tweak it and optimize it will be of $700 (seven hundred US dollars) per month.
This would include a total of 25-30 hours of man work for the campaign setup and 10-12 monthly hours for the campaign follow up.
Estimated return on your investment:
Targeted traffic and potential buyers to the website and its internal pages.
Increased revenue based on the website conversions.
Increase awareness of the brand and its product.
Joint ventures and growth opportunities.
DELIVERY: The campaign will need 4-5 days to be setup and then an ongoing follow up procedure, with weekly activities reports.
STATUS: Waiting for acceptance of proposal.
ACTION: The immediate action would be to authorize this proposal. An invoice will be sent as soon as the proposal is accepted.